For Anyone Looking To Create A Wildly-Profitable Income Stream Only Working A Few Hours Per Day...

Tech Millionaire Reveals How Anyone Can Tap Into Google, Microsoft, and Apple’s New $1 Trillion Dollar “AI Boom” to Generate a Predictable Semi-Passive Income Online 

Without your own products, website, team, or tech skills!

What Is AI Digital Real Estate System?
The AI Digital Real Estate System is a step-by-step program designed to help anyone create a new, semi-passive income stream by tapping into Google, Microsoft, and Apple’s new $1 trillion-dollar AI "gold rush."

You’ll gain access to all the knowledge, tools, and resources you need to harness the power of AI to generate income from home while automating the majority of your workload and only having to work a few hours per day.

(Even if you don't have your own products, website, team, or tech skills)

This is your chance to take advantage of this limited-time opportunity and potentially change your financial future forever.
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Backed by Our 180 Day Money Back Guarantee
Join Countless Others Generating 5, 6, & Even 7-Figures From Home
The AI Digital Real Estate System isn't another generic "course"...

It's a proven system that shows how you can use the same business model that's already helped thousands of everyday people create 5, 6, and even 7-figure income streams online.

First time ever, you can automate 90-95% of your workload by leveraging Google, Microsoft, and Apple's new $1 trillion-dollar AI technology.

(Even if you don't have your own products, website, or team!)

The best part?
  • You can create a new, wildly-profitable income stream only working a few hours per day
  • You can do this from the comfort of your own home (or anywhere in the world!)
  • You can change your financial future forever by taking advantage early and tapping into Tap Google, Microsoft, and Apple's new $1 trillion-dollar "AI Gold Rush" 
  • ​You can join thousands of others that have already used this business model to create life-changing income
And now it's your turn.

Your turn to permanently change your life and income for the better.

And the AI Digital Real Estate System will show you the exact steps to transform your life starting today.

Here's how it works:
here's what's included:

AI-Powered Digital Real Estate Masterclass

Get the step-by-step system to create a wildly-profitable income stream while only working a few hours per day by tapping into Google, Microsoft, and Apple’s new AI technology.

AI-Powered Digital Real Estate Masterclass

Get the step-by-step system to create a wildly-profitable income stream while only working a few hours per day by tapping into Google, Microsoft, and Apple’s new AI technology.
4 bonuses included today

AI Automation Prompts

Instantly automate 90-95% of your workflow and skyrocket your income by using proven AI prompts designed to save you time and accelerate your results.

7-Figure Sales Scripts

Get paid thousands (or even tens of thousands) of dollars from the comfort of your own home by copying and pasting our world-class 7-figure sales scripts.

Profitable Niches Pack

Identify the most profitable industries to target in order to maximize how much you get paid per client (and start generating income as quickly as possible!)

Agency Launch Checklist

Follow the Agency Launch Checklist to set up your new income stream the exact same way thousands of others have used to generate life-changing results.

AI Automation Prompts

Instantly automate 90-95% of your workflow and skyrocket your income by using proven AI prompts designed to save you time and accelerate your results.

7-Figure Sales Scripts

Get paid thousands (or even tens of thousands) of dollars from the comfort of your own home by copying and pasting our world-class 7-figure sales scripts.

Profitable Niches Pack

Identify the most profitable industries to target in order to maximize how much you get paid per client (and start generating income as quickly as possible!)

Agency Launch Checklist

Follow the Agency Launch Checklist to set up your new income stream the exact same way thousands of others have used to generate life-changing results.
List Price: $497
You're saving $470
Get Instant Access For $497 Just $27
Delivered instantly. Access the masterclass and 4 bonuses in the next 2 minutes. 180 day money back guarantee.
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countless Real results

You May Have Seen Us On...

How To Create A Wildly Profitable Income Stream
During The New $1 Trillion-Dollar "AI Gold Rush"
(While Only Working A Few Hours Per Day)
This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've Ever Heard 
of Before - Read Below To See How You Can Take Advantage Of The New "AI Gold Rush"...
From The Office of Douglas James:
San Diego, California


That’s how much I’ve made today from AI-Powered Digital Real Estate.

And here’s another $20,000 that came in yesterday…
The best part?
This “digital real estate” was almost entirely powered by AI.
AI did 90-95% of the work for me.

And these numbers just keep rolling in...

All from a tiny piece of “digital real estate”...

Powered by the same $1 trillion-dollar AI technology used by companies like Google, Microsoft, and Apple.

Which means I’m generating all this income...
  • Without any products…
  • No fancy website…
  • No big team…
  • ​No crazy marketing plan...
With nothing more than a laptop, an internet connection, and AI...
Which means I don’t have to deal with customers, orders, payment processing, or any daunting technical issues.

Heck, I don’t know the first thing about code.

Which just shows you how insanely simple it is to make money with this AI-powered “digital real estate.” 

So if you’re not already using AI to make a predictable…


And future-proof income right now…

Then you’re going to be kicking yourself in the next few months.

Because we’re talking about something that everyday people are using right now to make money online...
Like Johnny V, Who Started Making $12,000 Per Month In Just 3 Months...
Johnny was brand new to digital marketing...
And he tried over and over to create a consistent stream of income...

He'd see some success...

But then his results would tank and he'd have to start over.

It wasn't until he started helping businesses get leads (using the same system you're going to see on this page)...

...That he ended up making over $12,000 per month within 90 days!

That's $144,000 per year in recurring revenue.

And he's definitely not the only one...
Meet Mattai, Who's Making Over 
$25,000 Per Month!
Mattai hit a wall.

He had a small taste of making money online but wasn't sure how he could explode his income...
But Mattai had a burning desire to create a life of freedom...

After creating his own business using the same step-by-step instructions you're going to see on this page...
Mattai exploded his income to $25,000 in recurring income...
And not only that...

But he was able to actually make more while working less...

And we can go on and on...
Kyle Was Able To Finally Quit His 9-5 Job...
Kyle wanted to start a new chapter in his life...
He was sick of having a boss...

And he wanted to be able to travel around the world while generating income from his laptop.

After just a few months of implementing the same strategies you're going to see on this page...

He was able to generate a full-time income and quit his job.

And now it's your turn... because...
 I’m going to show you Exactly how you can Generate reliable, semi-passive 
income from these tiny pieces of 
“digital real estate…” 
All powered by AI.
I’ll walk you through every step of the process.

Show you how incredibly easy it is to set up, even without any technical skills.

And walk you through the numbers so you know how they actually generate income. 
So let’s dive right in.

First, let me introduce myself.

My name’s Douglas James… 

I’m a former Navy Corpsman…
And in the past 12 months alone I’ve been fortunate to generate over $30 million dollars online...
Landing me features in Inc. 5000 as one of the fastest-growing companies in America… 
As well as publications on CBS, NBC, Fox, Entrepreneur Magazine, and plenty more.

And I’m not saying any of this to brag.

But just so you understand that I’m actually qualified to show what I’m about to share because I’ve been doing it for YEARS.

And I’m still active in the trenches working on it today.

Of course, this success didn’t come overnight.

Back when I was a Navy Corpsman, I found myself working soul-crushing 16-hour days… 

With practically nothing to show for it.
Which is how I stumbled into this whole online realm in the first place. 

I needed something that would provide for my family...

While actually allowing me to be there for them.

I needed to be something more than a cog in a machine.

And once I stumbled upon the simple, semi-passive income stream I’m going to share with you…

It literally felt like I struck a gold mine.

Because the feeling of generating money on autopilot… on the side… 
watching your bank account get Bigger… And Bigger... While you only have to 
work a few hours per day…
Well, it changed my and my family's life.

So I spent almost a decade perfecting my system.

Making countless mistakes so you don’t have to.

Naturally, I started sharing my system with friends and family.

Until, eventually I began coaching others on a bigger scale.

Which is why I’m so proud to say that in addition to helping over 5000 small businesses scale…
I’ve also helped hundreds of people earn a life of complete financial freedom…
Which has earned me a reputation in the space as a “digital real estate tycoon…”

And allowed me to make friends with some of the most well-known people in the online industry…

Like Grant Cardone, Gary Vaynerchuk, Robert Kiyosaki...
And countless others…

You see...
On November 30, 2022, the world 
changed overnight...
Microsoft’s OpenAI released ChatGPT…

A revolutionary AI chatbot that became the FASTEST growing app of all time.
Led to STAGGERING growth in productivity in just a few months…
And created countless millionaires who got an early start tapping into the technology.
Meanwhile, one 32-year-old Japanese man has used this tech to become a billionaire...
And stories like this will only continue to emerge.  

The only people not yet profiting? 

Regular, everyday hardworking people like YOU.

Which is a SHAME.
Because, as I said before, we’re at the forefront of the Largest technological revolution of our lifetime. ..
Which means we’re in the middle of MASSIVE disruption.

Think about it.

Netflix killed Blockbuster.

Google killed the phone book.

Uber killed taxis.

And now AI threatens to topple countless industries in the next few years. 
But one lesson that always holds true is that where there’s massive disruption – there’s also Incredible opportunity...
And the good news is that the simple fact that you reading this page means you’re way ahead of the curve.

The bad news is that this advantage won’t last forever.

Because there WILL be winners and losers in the AI arms race.

Some will make fortunes.

Others will be replaced. 

And even though AI will produce more jobs than it destroys…

If you’re not using AI already…

YOU will be replaced by someone who does.
Which is exactly why I want to show you how to tap into the $1 Trillion Dollar 
“AI Boom…”
And slice off a generous piece of the pie for yourself. 
So YOU too can profit from this revolutionary $1 trillion dollar “AI Gold Rush”...
Make “semi-passive” income…

And generate income from home while only having to work 1-2 hours a day MAX…

All by combining something I call “digital real estate” with the power of AI.

Now let me show you EXACTLY how it works.

And make sure to pay close attention…

Because this is the EXACT formula that’s generated me over $13 million online…
And helped 1000s of my students break FREE of the rat race.

Okay, so why do I call the “digital real estate” model my favorite business model?
it’s the simplest, most reliable way to make money - And It’s the EASIEST model to scale with AI...
Let me show you why.

If you look at all the other ways to make money…

They either require...
  • Massive RISK…
  • Massive TIME…
  • Or massive CAPITAL (meaning upfront money).
Let’s say you want to start an eCom store.

Well, that’s going to require upfront money for your products…

Which means you risk losing all that money if you don’t sell. 

Meanwhile, you could start a “service” business… 

But that’s going to require you to either already have a money-making skill…

Or force you to learn one. 

And by the time you’ve done that, you’ll have already missed this massive window of opportunity we’re in right now.
Which is why this “digital real estate” model is the simplest, fastest way to start making money using AI right now…
Because if there's ONE thing that every business on the planet needs... 
It's leads and customers.
Without them, there’s no business.

And with over 500,000 new businesses opening every single month in America...
There will NEVER be a shortage of businesses that need leads.

Which is where digital real estate comes in.

Because just like a real estate agent is the middleman between a homebuyer and a seller...

A “digital real estate agent” is the middleman between a business and their leads.

And when you can serve as that middleman and make that connection…

BOTH sides are happy to give you a slice of the pie.
Makes sense, right?

As the “middleman” you don’t have to have any inventory…

You don’t need customer service…

And you don’t even need to learn a new skill.
In fact, most people that are profiting from digital real estate right now come from regular, average jobs with Zero prior knowledge or experience...
But that’s not even the best part.

Because for the first time ever…
This model can be almost 95% automated with AI (as I’ll show you in a second). 
Just to prove my point a little more…

We’ve already helped countless people like…
Like Zach, Who Went From $4,000 Per 
Month To $20,000 Per Month...
Zach was already doing well with this business model...

But his goal was to get to 6-figures per year.
After implementing the same strategies you see on this page...

Zach was able to blow past $100,000 per year in recurring revenue...

In fact, he was able to more than double it!

And now he's able to automate around 90% of his workload with artificial intelligence...

And the results don't stop...
Meet Jake, Who Hit $10,000 Per Month 
Once - And Then Did It Again.
Jake had already scaled his agency to 5-figures per month...
But after implementing the same "plug-and-play" system you see on this page...

Jake was able to launch and scale his second agency to an additional $10,000 per month...

And collectively make over $220,000 per year in recurring revenue!

And then there's...
James, Who Scaled To $30,000 - $35,000 Per Month While Working Less...
James was crushing it by helping businesses get more leads and sales...

But he wanted to get into the top 1% income bracket...
So he stuck to this business model month after month...

And James has reached a point where he's making between $30,000 - $35,000 per month in revenue...
That's around a whopping $420,000 per year!
And his income is projected to only skyrocket from here with the continuous growth of artificial intelligence...

But this is about you...
Okay, so how do you actually FIND 
these businesses?
Well, that’s actually pretty easy…

If you pull out your phone and search for carpet cleaners near me…

Car washes…


You’ll see that there are DOZENS… HUNDREDS… or even THOUSANDS of these types of businesses in your area alone.
And THESE are the businesses you want to go after.


Well, because they’re boring. 

And I love “boring businesses.”

Because I love “boring money.”

Things like crypto can make you rich…

But boring, reliable money is how you get wealthy.

So while everyone’s out there trying to launch new software to cash in on the AI gold rush…

You’ll be quietly making a fortune working with the “boring” businesses…

Almost on autopilot…

While working no more than a few hours per WEEK.

Make sense?

So that’s why you’re going to target businesses like Roof Repair… HVAC… Towing Services… Salons…  
Because it doesn’t matter WHAT the economy is doing…
People are still always going to need their roofs fixed… 

Their A/C running… 

And so on.

Plus, it doesn’t matter HOW good ChatGPT gets…

A robot isn’t going to replace your nail tech…

Or massage therapist… 

Or Crossfit coach.

See why I love these businesses so much?

And while there may only be a few dozen or hundred in your local area...

Once you start looking at your entire state…

Then the country…

And even the world…
Well, you’re looking at literally MILLIONS of businesses to work with...
In fact, there are over 30 million small businesses in the U.S. alone.

And over 200 million worldwide.

Plus, nearly 500,000 new businesses open each MONTH.

While online advertising continues to grow year after year.

Again, this is the perfect intersection for businesses to target.

Okay, so here’s exactly what I mean by “digital real estate.”

Just like you can buy a house and rent it out…

Making consistent income every month…

You can do the same thing with “digital real estate.”

Where you own a portion of the web…

And rent it out to businesses that pay you monthly.

In fact, if you’ve spent ANY time on the internet…

Then you’ve likely already seen what I’m talking about. 

For example, have you ever seen an ad like THIS…
Or this…
Or this…
Well, these are examples of “digital real estate.”

Because whenever you click on one of those links, you’ll see a simple page…

Which asks for your name and email…

And businesses will pay you a LOT OF MONEY for this.
Which is why I call it “digital real estate”...
Because you’re renting out these pages to small business owners.
And the best part is that they run 24/7…

Almost ENTIRELY on their own…

So they can generate YOU cash, even while you sleep.

And while 1 page alone might not make you a fortune…

Once you start stacking 2…




Or realistically as many as you want to…

Well, THAT’S when you start having “easy money” roll in unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.
Because together these pages can earn you $8k… $15K… $30k… or even $100k per month just like some of my students...
But I'm sure you're wondering...

If it’s that easy and lucrative, why isn’t everyone with a laptop doing this?

Well, this is actually the MOST exciting part…

Something I’ve been able to take advantage of before ANYONE else to help people effortlessly make as much money as they want from home.
Because here’s the thing… 

As simple as these pieces of “digital real estate” are to run… 

Even though they run on autopilot…

Like little ATM’s that spit out cash directly into your bank account day after day…

They DO take work to set up. 

Anyone who tells you that you can just push a button and make money has no idea what they’re talking about…

No, you have to set up the page…

Find the customers… 

And the business owners who actually want to pay you.  

But for the first time in history… all of that’s changed.
Because the new TRILLION dollar AI technology can now automate 95% 
of the process…
  • How you find clients...
  • How you find customers…
  • Setting up the page… 
  • ​And every single step in between...
No, it doesn’t automate EVERYTHING.

And no, it won’t work if you don’t know what you’re doing.

But as far as the actual “work” part of it goes… 

It’s literally as simple as entering some information…

Hitting a few buttons…

And automating roughly 90-95% of the work.
But again, this window of opportunity is growing narrower and narrower every single day...
Most people will not take action.

Most people will watch this…

Be amazed by the possibilities…

But ultimately do nothing about it. 

And it scares me to think about the level of REGRET that many people will face when they look back and say “I WISH I got in on that”.

Yet those who take action TODAY…

Will be light years ahead of everyone else…

Making money today… tomorrow… and years in the future from a recession proof… future proof… business model.

And it literally couldn’t be easier to do.

The only part you’re missing is the actual STEPS…

The tools you need…

The prompts that give you the outputs…

And the nuances you only get after a DECADE of running and showing others how to run these businesses. 

Questions like…
  • How do you set up your digital assets to generate leads?
  • Where do you find local businesses willing to pay for these leads?
  • ​How do you automate this process without spending a fortune (or any money at all?)
  • How do you reliably get paid without having to work all day?
  • How do you scale to $10,000, $20,000, $30,000, and beyond?
If you knew the answers to those questions… 

You’d know how to finally work that coveted 4-Hour Workweek…

To make money while you sleep…

To optimize your hours to fit YOUR lifestyle instead of the other way around…

And to never have to worry about money again.

So that you can focus on the things in life that actually MATTER.

Like spending time with your family….

Or having the freedom to pursue hobbies that bring you joy…

Or taking vacations when, where, and how often you want…

To finally achieve all of the success you’ve ever dreamed of. 

Unfortunately, all those questions go well beyond the scope of what I’m able to show you right here…
Which is exactly why I’ve put together the AI Digital Real Estate System...
A once-in-a-generation opportunity to break free from the rat race…

And create a new, predictable income stream while only working a few hours per day...

Here’s how it works:
Upon joining...
First, you’ll get access to The AI-Powered Digital Real Estate Masterclass...
Where you'll get an exclusive 3-hour training going over...
  • ​How to find the best businesses to work with
  • How to scale your income to $10K /month as quickly as possible
  • How to use AI to automate nearly every step of the process
  • And so, so much more...
And by the end of the masterclass...

You'll have all the knowledge you need to launch and scale your own AI Digital Real Estate business...

And potentially join countless others generating 5, 6, and even 7-figures...

But that's not all you're getting...
you're also Going To Get World-class 
aI Automation Prompts...
These are proprietary prompts my team of engineers have spent HOURS meticulously editing… 
And the exact prompts I use inside my agency...

And they'll allow you to instantly automate 90-95% of your workload...

So you can automatically find, pitch, and close new clients while only working a few hours per day.

These prompts will allow you to run your digital real estate business without actually having to work IN your business...

But there's more...
You'll Also Get Proven 7-Figure Sales Scripts...
And this bonus is incredibly powerful...
Because these are the exact same sales scripts our students have used to generate over $100MM in revenue...

And your only job?

Simply copy and paste them when you're pitching clients...

And you'll have a finely-tuned process to acquire clients on autopilot.

And it keeps getting better...
In addition to that, you’re also going to The Profitable Niches Pack...
Which will allow you to get paid as much as possible...
Because you'll go straight to the most profitable businesses...

And not only will you get paid more...

You'll also save time and make money a lot faster...

Because I've been in this business for decades.

I know what works, and what doesn't.

And this will help you skyrocket your income in half the time...
Lastly, You're going To Get The Agency Launch Checklist...
And while I know a checklist might not seem that exciting…

There’s a reason why astronauts, pilots and surgeons absolutely swear by them.
Because they ensure that you don’t miss a single step towards achieving a goal.

Which is why I’ve included one with the AI Digital Real Estate System...

That way you can follow the exact steps you need to in every lesson…

Without missing a step.

So whether that’s the process you need to set up your agency...

Or start pitching clients...

Or start fulfilling the work with AI...

You won’t miss a crucial step.

Plus, this checklist gives you a high level summary that gives you the 80/20 of what you actually need to be most effective.  
Get AI Digital Real Estate System For 81% OFF For A Very Limited Time...
But I want to be clear:

AI Digital Real Estate System is only available at $27 for a limited time…

This is a $47 program and the price will likely increase soon…

But when you get instant access today…

You’ll instantly save $400 with our early-bird pricing…

Truthfully, it wouldn’t matter if the book was $1,000… $5,000… or even $10,000.

Because one sale alone can 10X your investment...

And for only $27

, you can get the exact system that has produced tens of millions of dollars for students around the world.

But the cost?

Well, if you’re watching this now, chances are that you already know what that is.

It's missing out on the greatest opportunity of your lifetime...

Staying where you are now...

Chained to your job...
Working so hard but feeling like you never make any progress.

The cost is your life.
This Won’t Last Long
Plus, AI Digital Real Estate System comes with a 180 day money-back guarantee…
So you have absolutely nothing to lose by giving it a shot…

That’s how confident I am the AI Digital Real Estate System can skyrocket your income...

And the brutally honest truth is that with the world changing at a faster and faster rate…

… It’s simply not an option to avoid artificial intelligence.

You have the opportunity to use it to potentially change your financial future forever...

Or have it potentially RUIN your financial future if you don't take advantage of it.
Which is why it’s more urgent now than ever before to Take Advantage Of This Now...
Not just for yourself…

But your family…

Your relationships…

Your community…

And the world beyond.

That’s why it’s so urgent for you to get a copy of the AI Digital Real Estate System today...

To set out on the journey of transformation that’s waiting for you.
Here's what to do next...
Next to this video, you’re going to see a form to enter your email…

Once you input your email address…

You’ll be taken to a 100% secure order form.

As soon as you fill out your billing information, you’ll get instant access inside AI Digital Real Estate System and all the bonuses…

Truthfully, it’s no coincidence that you’ve ended up on this page.
Because really, there are only two kinds of people in the world...
Those who are content with where they’re at.

And those who know they’re destined for more.

Those who want to grow.

Who want to skyrocket their income and live a life of freedom...

Financial freedom... travel freedom... location freedom...

And if you’re here watching this page…

… Then it’s pretty clear which side you fall into.

You know that you’re capable of more.

All you need is the roadmap to get you there.

And that’s exactly what the “AI Digital Real Estate System” gives you.
180 Day Unconditional Money 
Back Guarantee

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

I know that before I invest in anything...

I’d like to know it's backed by a solid money-back guarantee...

And I want you to be comfortable with this purchase...

So here's what we've arranged...

If at any point after investing in the AI Digital Real Estate System you don't feel you received the value you paid for...

You can send an email to and we'll refund your full payment in 24 hours or less.

This is a 180 day unconditional money-back guarantee...

So you have absolutely nothing to lose by giving the AI Digital Real Estate System a shot!

That's how confident we are in the system after helping thousands of people create wildly-profitable income streams online.

I'm not asking you to say yes today... I'm asking you to say maybe.

Give The AI Digital Real Estate System a shot...

And set yourself up to potentially change your life and income for the better.

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...
You need to act fast...
Don't miss out on the opportunity to get our early-bird special and instantly get 81% off...

But you'll need to act fast.

Plus I’m also including 4 amazing bonuses valued at $797...

So with that in mind...
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Get instant access to the AI Digital Real Estate System and 4 bonuses as soon as you complete your order.

And remember, AI Digital Real Estate System comes with a 180 day unconditional money-back guarantee...

Scroll down below…

Click the yellow button…

Enter your information…

And I can’t wait to see you in the program in the next 2 minutes or less!
Here's What You'll Get...
  Discover How You Can Create A New, Semi-Passive Income Stream From Home
  Leverage Google, Microsoft, & Apple’s $1 Trillion Dollar Technology To Get Your Share of The “AI Gold Rush”
  See How You Can Automate 90-95% Of Your Work Flow Using Proven AI Automations & Prompts
  Get Paid Thousands (Or Even Tens of Thousands) of Dollars Per Month Helping Businesses Get More Leads 
  Follow The Proven Step-By-Step System To Start Getting Results As Quickly As Today
  Get all of the Knowledge, tools, resources, and mentorship you need to Create Your New Income Stream
Instantly Access AI Digital 
Real Estate System
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Results From Our Clients
Disclaimer: These are real results from clients across various Douglas James programs. Your results are not guaranteed.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is The AI Digital Real Estate System?
The AI Digital Real Estate System is a new, step-by-step program designed to help anyone create a wildly-profitable income stream from home using the power of artificial intelligence to help business owners get more leads and customers.

You’ll see how you can take advantage of the same $1 trillion-dollar AI technology used by companies like Google, Microsoft, and Apple to generate semi-passive cash flow while only working a few hours per day.
Who is this for?
This is for anyone looking to generate income from home without having to have their own products, website, team, or even advanced technical skills.

The only requirement you need is a laptop and an internet connection and you’ll be able to harness the power of artificial intelligence to potentially create a new, semi-passive income stream.
What exactly am I getting?
The AI Digital Real Estate System includes a 2.5-hour masterclass that will show you everything you need to know to take advantage of the AI gold rush and start potentially getting paid thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars per month helping business owners get more leads and sales.

You’ll also get all of the tools and resources you need to accelerate your results like the AI Automation Prompts, 7-Figure Script, Agency Launch Checklist, and the Profitable Niche Pack.

The bonuses alone are worth thousands of dollars and you’ll be getting them for free with your masterclass!
How long is the early-bird special pricing valid?
The early-bird pricing for the AI Digital Real Estate System is available for a limited time and the price is subject to change.

When you invest in the AI Digital Real Estate System today, you’ll only have to invest $27 in comparison to the regular price of $497 - which means you save $470!
Is there a money-back guarantee?
Yes, we offer an unconditional 180-day money-back guarantee. If for any reason you're not satisfied, you can send an email to and we'll refund your full payment within 24 hours.
How do I get started?
Simply click the yellow button down below, enter your email address, and you'll be taken to a 100% secure order form.

Once you fill out your information, you'll get instant access to the AI Digital Real Estate System as well as 4 free bonuses.
Instantly Access AI Digital 
Real Estate System
List Price: $497
You're saving $470
Get Instant Access For $497 Just $27
Delivered instantly. Access the masterclass and 4 bonuses in the next 2 minutes.
Available For Instant Access
Results, Results, & More Results
Here's What's Included:

AI-Powered Digital Real Estate Masterclass

Get the step-by-step system to create a wildly-profitable income stream while only working a few hours per day by tapping into Google, Microsoft, and Apple’s new AI technology.

AI Automation Prompts

Instantly automate 90-95% of your workflow and skyrocket your income by using proven AI prompts designed to save you time and accelerate your results.

7-Figure Scripts

Get paid thousands (or even tens of thousands) of dollars from the comfort of your own home by copying and pasting our world-class 7-figure sales scripts.

Profitable Niches Pack

Identify the most profitable industries to target in order to maximize how much you get paid per client (and start generating income as quickly as possible!)

Agency Launch Checklist

Follow the Agency Launch Checklist to set up your new income stream the exact same way thousands of others have used to generate life-changing results.
Results From Our Clients
Disclaimer: These are real results from clients across various Douglas James programs. Your results are not guaranteed.
Increase Your Income
Here's Everything You're Getting For 81% OFF Today
(Limited Early Bird Special Spots Remaining)
Included With Your Order

AI-Powered Digital Real Estate Masterclass

Get the step-by-step system to create a wildly-profitable income stream while only working a few hours per day by tapping into Google, Microsoft, and Apple’s new AI technology.
Included With Your Order

AI Automation Prompts

Instantly automate 90-95% of your workflow and skyrocket your income by using proven AI prompts designed to save you time and accelerate your results.
Included With Your Order

7-Figure Scripts

Get paid thousands (or even tens of thousands) of dollars from the comfort of your own home by copying and pasting our world-class 7-figure sales scripts.
Included With Your Order

Profitable Niches Pack

Identify the most profitable industries to target in order to maximize how much you get paid per client (and start generating income as quickly as possible!)
Included With Your Order

Agency Launch Checklist

Follow the Agency Launch Checklist to set up your new income stream the exact same way thousands of others have used to generate life-changing results.
180 Day Money Back Guarantee
Get Instant Access For $497 Just $27 Delivered instantly. 
Access the masterclass and 4 bonuses in the next 2 minutes.
Join Hundreds of People that have created a new,
wildly-profitable income stream
Unlock Your Share Of The AI Gold Rush In 2023 
Experience The Benefits of The AI Digital Real Estate System
Join the AI Digital Real Estate System During The Early-Bird Special...
 Use The Same Business Model Thousands Of Others Have Used To Create 5, 6, And Even 7-Figure Income Streams
 Instantly Access The 2.5 Hour Masterclass And Potentially Starting Seeing Results As Fast As Today
 Get The Step-By-Step System, Training, Tools, & Resources You Need To permanently change your Financial Future For The Better
 Risk Nothing With Our With 180 Day Money Back Guarantee
Get $797 In Free Bonuses Today
(Yours For FREE When You Join The AI Digital Real Estate System)
Skyrocket Your Income

AI-Powered Digital Real Estate Masterclass

Get the step-by-step system to create a wildly-profitable income stream while only working a few hours per day by tapping into Google, Microsoft, and Apple’s new AI technology.
Bonus #1

AI Automation Prompts

Instantly automate 90-95% of your workflow and skyrocket your income by using proven AI prompts designed to save you time and accelerate your results.
Bonus #2

7-Figure Scripts

Get paid thousands (or even tens of thousands) of dollars from the comfort of your own home by copying and pasting our world-class 7-figure sales scripts.
Bonus #3

Profitable Niches Pack

Identify the most profitable industries to target in order to maximize how much you get paid per client (and start generating income as quickly as possible!)
Bonus #4

Agency Launch Checklist

Follow the Agency Launch Checklist to set up your new income stream the exact same way thousands of others have used to generate life-changing results.
Don't Forget About Our 180 Day Money-Back Guarantee...

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

I know that before I invest in anything...

I’d like to know it's backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this purchase...

So here's what we've arranged:

If at any point after investing in the AI Digital Real Estate System you don't feel you received the value you paid for...

You can send an email to and we'll refund your full payment in 24 hours or less.

This is a 180 day unconditional money-back guarantee...

So you have absolutely nothing to lose by giving the AI Digital Real Estate System a shot!

That's how confident we are after helping thousands of people create wildly-profitable income streams.

I'm not asking you to say yes today... I'm asking you to say maybe.

Give the AI Digital Real Estate System a shot...

And set yourself up to potentially change your life and income for the better.

 Frequently Asked Questions
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Disclaimer: Results depicted are not typical and may not be achieved by all purchasers. Clients or Results from using our services are not guaranteed. Each purchaser is responsible for adhering to our terms of service.

Side Note: Your level of success from using our services is directly proportional to the amount time, attention and follow through you give to the program. Your level of work ethic and commitment will yield whatever level of results that you will achieve.
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